মঙ্গলবার, ১৪ জানুয়ারী ২০২৫, ০৭:০৫ অপরাহ্ন

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We are ‘Cricket Today’ – a Bangladeshi sports based news portal. We have been working on sports news. Especially with cricket news since 2011. Since the inception, we have worked in big events like Bangladesh Premier League (BPL) as online media partner for Chittagong Vikings (DBL Group), also worked as an online media partner for Minister Group Rajshahi team (Minister Group) in Bangabandhu T20 Cup 2020. We also provide international cricket news to our audience.  

We have a larger audience base in social medial (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram) and also in our news portal website.

On YouTube we have more than 6,00,000 subscribers which makes us the largest cricket based YouTube channel in Bangladesh. We also have more than 2,80,000 followers in Facebook.

In our sports based news portal and social media channels we produce, publish and promote articles, news, interviews & press release.

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